All Categories - B Misty Wycoff
December 11, 2021
I think people are afraid of poetry. Yep. Lots of people shrink and inwardly quiver at the...
August 28, 2023
Someone asked me recently what kind of poet I am, why I write, and how I engage with the...
February 3, 2023
One of my critiquing partners recently challenged me to write a poem in a very formulaic style...
June 30, 2022
Much has been said about how to be a writer. Here is a short list of books about it. These...
February 23, 2022
I have had a few conversations lately with my poet friends exploring this idea of writing “bad”...
January 23, 2022
We are so hard on ourselves. Perfectionism. Judgement. Bullying. If you have a wiggling interest...
January 6, 2022
Sometimes in the simplest acts we are allowed to let ourselves play with imagery. On this...